Friday, June 26, 2015

Sifting through belongings

This is by far the hardest part so far! Not because I want to keep a lot of stuff but because being environmentally conscious  when moving is tough. 

Junk Removal

We started with 1-800-junk.
I really liked how they try to salvage as much as possible and them incinerate the rest keeping landfills less full. I know there are debated on fumes with this process. That is a whole other issue and another reason why we are doing a tiny house to minimize waste. 
So $600 later we have all the useable items left. (Our home was a short sale so we were left with some lovely junk😑)
Then we took 6 loads to Goodwill with our SUV.

Garage Sales

Next step was selling things online. Thank you whoever came up with idea for online garage sales on Facebook. Was able to sell a lot at reasonable prices and save people the time and gas to run all over town looking for things they need, I highly recommend searching for online garage sale in your city on Facebook.

So most items were sold then our house sold in 5 days and we have to be out in another 5 days. Yikes! So the plan now is to just move stuff out and organize later. 


I am finding the stuff purchased while traveling difficult to get rid of along with other memorabilia. The tricky part is we want to take pictures of these and take our pictures and make them into books. We use shutterfly. Of course this takes time which we will hopefully have more of once we get moved and settled.

We are going to do the t shirt quilts as well. The clothes were actually the easiest think to get rid of. I am struggling with the office supplies, nick knacks and tools/hardware stuff. 

So that is where we are now. Moving stuff out and then organizing later. 
One car load at a time cause Daddy has to work

Helping move stuff into Grandma's temporarily 

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